I found new sweet phrase
It made me think for a while
Is it true?
Just post it at my FB status..
'When he/she disappoints you and you still care about them, that's love.'
People also asking about it
Is it true?
For me, it migh be.. because LOVE, it would be in many ways..
'Any kind of relationship btween human,sure will have love..the degree of that might be different.'
(my kazen just mention it)
Someone just share his uneasiness to me,
I just smile and tell the comfort words to him
I think it relief him a bit
am i telling him the truth?
mybe yes... mybe not..
When we care and love somebody, all their badness; what they did that hurt us sometimes, made we feel uneasy, sad, made us thinking a lot and etc , we will throw it damn farrrrr away.
(kalau nak marah pun rasa tak jadi kan =.=' )
sometimes.. ^^
so sweet.. [google]
style.sayasukanomborganjil, jangan nak hairan sanagat :p
Okeh.. yang ni sangat besaarr, ciss
*sekian, walaujauhtapihatidekat...
love??? maybe. hehehe. cumel bear itu! ngeng ^_^
cik ishiko kakak fatin, meh la join segmen cheqwa :D
maybe yes... maybe no!
" Takkan kau rasai nikmat cinta andai tiada cinta untuk Yang Esa"
bebear 0___0
sure love..but degree lain2??huhu
betul tu...even dia kecewakan kita....kita tetap care n syg dia....;-)
jauh di mata dekat di hati sokmo..ehheheh
indeed :)
wah2...sweetnye kamu ni..hehehehe
sabar ye...jauh dimata dekat dihati...ingat tuh..!!
aaa..tak tahu nak pilih mane satu..hehe
wow ayat power tu hehe ..:)
pakwe kau diperantauan ke ?
sabar yea !!
cheqwa : mybe.. kan.. huhuu
insyallah ^^
Tukang Karut : yup.. myb..
jijiebenzaliff : ituu yg utama sygg
Umie Artoqiemie : heheee..
H.J : yupp..it depends on us ^^
ILA HonEyBuNNy : acececehhh...
maCy : ^^
My MiRa : dats the jey.. sabar ^^
apik pehe : pilih apa apik? bebear ke.. hehee
alif haris : power? it touched lots of people kowt.. heee~
muhamad hanif : pakwe terus kauw kasi.. hehee
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